Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I’ll doubt me, kinda

Will doubt be the gas that fuels your fire or will it be the fire that consumes you?

A little bit of doubt is good. If you don’t doubt yourself then you will never have any reason to strive to be the better, to be the best. Is there ever a place where you’ve made it, completely? If you answered that, and you think your answer is worth a pooh. Then please continue to be a silly fool. There is no hope for you anyway. If you think you are right at the top chances are you’re not. The people on the top have a healthy amount of doubt and while they acknowledge they are high up. They also acknowledge there is much left for them to do. Healthy doubt! Too much of a good thing, is no longer a good thing. Too much doubt is crippling, it stops you from trying before you have even began and you have sentenced yourself to fail time and time again. Find a balance!!

Essentially, we live in our minds. So whatever we put in there is what we are forced to live in. You want to fill your mind with fear and doubt then be prepared to live in fear and constant doubt. No one can make you doubt yourself unless you give them the permission to.

So I’ll ask you again, will doubt be the gas that fuels your fire or will it be the fire that consumes you?

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