Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nothing to fear

I’ve been avoiding this for a long time, but I’m on a growing streak and I want to continue on this new path. So fear can just step aside while I face this. I have been living for the future. When I move out then my life will finally begin. When I earn my own money my life will finally begin. And that is just absolutely good for nothing. It dawned upon me that if I were to die right now...I wouldn’t have lived at all. I would have no memories that I made on purpose. I would be forgettable.

Why wait for something to happen before you ‘start living’. And if you must insist on waiting for an about waking up? That’s an event and once it’s happened (so once you’ve woken up) you can begin from there. Do the things you want to do. The things you love to do.

I'm pretty sure it hurts God to see you me, his little girl, let fear determine the things I do or more accurately the things I don’t do.  This time I’m not going talk about what I think can be done to fix it. Because luckily in this case, if you share my problem, it’s as easy as doing what you dream about. Don’t dream about being a writer, start writing. Don’t dream about becoming a photographer...get a camera and find a course.

Fear (according to the dictionary) is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. So please tell me, what good reason you would have to fear your dreams?

God bless people :)
(No matter what God you believe in!)

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