If you are not “religious” and you are reading this I hope you can respect my beliefs as I try to always be mindful and respectful of other people’s beliefs. I say religious in inverted commas because I feel the beauty and true meaning of it is lost; and instead of bring people together it divides people. I have a relationship with God. That is the best and only way to describe it. But that is a topic for another day.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” – Proverbs 4:23
A very special and wise lady recently brought this to my attention. She told me that just as you watch what you eat and exercise to stir clear of heart diseases; why would you not put that much effort into your emotional heart? And yes I am aware that your emotions and feels etc. do not actually live in your heart. How we treat our bodies can either be life giving or life taking, and as far as I’m concerned how we treat our hearts can also be life giving or live taking. So be good to your mind, body and soul and give yourself a rich life full of all the happiness and love you deserve.
“I truly believe that often we cause our own pain by resisting the changes that are a natural part of life. Not everyone comes into your life to stay forever – and that is a fact. People will eventually leave, either through death or because it is simply time to move on.
Our children are a good example. They fill your life so completely but when they are grown, life changes and they create their own homes and families and your relationship with them changes.
Lovers and friends come into our lives for a reason. Some stay a lifetime and others stay a heartbeat. Don’t resist when someone is a heartbeat rather than a lifetime. They move on for their own sake as well as your own.
Release them with the joy that you had them for a while, and pray for grace, so that you can remember the good times with peace.
You know that change is life. Resisting change only brings pain to you, and cannot make a lifetime out of a relationship meant to be a heartbeat. I love you always. Whatever else changes, that won’t.” - Pamela Kauffman
When I said she was special and wise, that was no lie. I hope that her wisdom comes in handy to some of you. If you’ve struggled with heartbreak or your heart is on its last because of neglect. Coming to terms with things will not be easy but I can guarantee you it’s worth it. I can guarantee this because I know you are worth. Everyone is! Love is not something that some deserve and others do not.
I wish for you all, lots of happiness and healthy hearts (physically and emotionally).
Be brave and love you!!
God bless people :)
(No matter what God you believe in!)
(No matter what God you believe in!)